You are ready for a change. You are ready to actually save time within your clinic by simplifying things. We listen and understand the goals of our customers. We currate every feature request and weigh it against the direction we take our software. We are lean, so we can adopt new technlogies very quickly and continue refining existing ones. We strive to make the simplest dental product available, day in and day out.
We are happy with staying simple. Many products out there require long training sessions and large upfront costs, not because they can do the job any better, but because they have to support every feature possible.
We are not for everyone. We build what you will use and that's it. We don't need to create a feature because everyone else has it. We create it because it's useful for the customers we currently serve.
Just because it isn't mainstream doesn't mean it doesn't belong in our product. When we weigh a feature against what we already have, a few items must be checked off: 1) Is it going to break what we currenly have? 2) Is it going to help our customers in some way? 3) Is it explainable without a lot of explanation?
If just one of these is not met, the feature doesn't make it. It's that simple.
We are constantly updating facebook and twitter with new features or updates to Simple Dental. We are contacting our clinics on a case by case basis to see how things are going, what we can improve upon, and make sure everything is running smoothly. We use social platforms like facebook to keep the conversation going, so if you need anything you can post on our wall or tweet at us anytime.
We are transparent about service outtages or bugs that might be breaking some functionality. We are happy to admit we are human.